NJPN Annual Report - Expanding Possibilities

“Even though the conference was not able to be done in person this year, this was the best conference for NJPN I’ve ever attended. I’m glad that you found a way to bring these workshops to all of us despite our current

2019-2020 Financials


Fee for Service & Other $335,973

circumstances.” – Conference Attendee.

New Jersey Department of Human Services $2,289,085


New Jersey Department of Health $2,841,456

Annual Addiction Conference NJPN’s 20th annual conference, 2020 Vision: Focus on Addiction, offered a virtual platform to engage and inform prevention and treat- ment professionals on critical issues surrounding addiction and pro- vided a unique forum for networking, collaboration and workforce development. Undaunted by the COVID-19 health crisis, we shifted plans to deliver a remarkable virtual conference experience on June 18.

The conference simulated an in-person conference venue – complete with a full day of keynote addresses from prominent thought leaders – virtual workshops, vendor booths and even a virtual lounge for attend- ees to engage with other conference goers at any point during the day’s events.

Expenses Total: $5,466,514

Management & General 12%


The conference featured a lineup of dynamic speakers who shared the latest research, innovative insights, and cut- ting-edge strategies in the addiction community. The keynote by Gary Mendell, founder and CEO of Shatterproof, was an emotional and heartfelt account of his personal connection with addiction from the loss of son. We learned a lot from hearing how Gary’s organization, Shatterproof, fosters a community of support for families affected by addiction. Other speakers included David Kessler, founder of Grief.com, who spoke during the thought leader session on find- ing meaning – the sixth stage of grief and loss and Tony Hoffman, founder and director of The Freewheel Project, who hosted the power session focusing on the stigma associated with addiction. During the workshop sessions, attend- ees explored a diverse range of topics such as The Impact of Alcohol Use on Women’s Health, T he Unveiling of Health Disparities During COVID-19 , Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide, Issues in Tobacco Dependence Treatment, and Wading in the Telehealth Pool – Providing Legal and Ethical Telemental Health Services . Participants were thrilled that they will be able to access all of the sessions through December so they could view and receive credits for all 17 sessions.


Program Services 88%

Keynote Speaker Gary Mendell Founder and CEO Shatterproof

Program Services

Management & General





Retained earnings at the beginning of the year

$949,555 $52,798

Net Income for fiscal year 2020 Total equity as of June 30 th




• More than 1,265 in attendance • 17 educational sessions • Earned credits toward LCADC, CADC, CPS, CPRS, Social Work Renewal Credits • Available online through December 2020 KEY CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS:


Sidney Colvin President Roberto Flecha Treasurer Diane Haake Secretary

David Bruno Brendan Fairfield Joel Natter Paschal Nwako



NJPN - ANNUAL REPORT | 2019-2020

NJPN - ANNUAL REPORT | 2019-2020

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