NJPN Annual Addiction Conference 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Cannabis, Cannabis-Impaired Driving, and Implications for Prevention
Jason Kilmer, Ph.D. University of Washington School of Medicine
Brittney Hultgren, Ph.D. University of Washington School of Medicine
Commercial Tobacco Landscape and Pathways to Advance Health Equity
Messaging matters and the science is clear. While youth may perceive cannabis use as harmless or safer than other alcohol or other substances, the research shows that it can have profound negative impacts on academic achievement, attention and focus, sleep quality and ability to manage stress. And no, it does not make someone a safer driver! In this workshop, Drs. Kilmer and Hultgren make a powerful argument that changing youth perceptions around cannabis use and driving under the influence requires a multi-pronged approach, grounded in science, that includes normative messaging, education, and environmental strategies.
Natasha Buchanan Lunsford, PhD, MA Associate Director for Health Equity, Office on Smoking and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tobacco product use is the leading cause of death, disease and disability in the U.S. Although cigarette smoking has declined significantly since 1964, disparities in tobacco product use remain across groups defined by race, ethnicity, educational level, and socioeconomic status and across regions of the country. Furthermore, the tobacco product landscape is constantly evolving. Youth use of e-cigarettes threatens to reverse the progress we have made in reducing tobacco use among youth. This presentation will provide an overview of the current commercial tobacco product landscape. Markers of health disparities and information about drivers of health inequities in commercial tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure, and quitting will be shared. The presentation will also explore causes of youth tobacco use. Population-based prevention measures proven to reduce tobacco use and tobacco- related morbidity and mortality and information on CDC activities to advance health equity will be shared.
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