2021 NJPN Conference Program Book

12:30 PM-1:30 PM

Plenary Day 2- Friday, April 30

Amid the staggering COVID-19 Pandemic, we are still suffering from an even greater endemic of addiction and overdose deaths. Though the media has focused on opioid abuse, methamphetamine, cocaine, benzodiazepine and alcohol abuse and overdose deaths have increased in the past few years. This presentation will focus on the current situation with Stimulant Use Disorder. Current trends in the abuse of substances, new forms of abuse, the pharmacology and developments in treatment will be presented. Participation in this virtual presentation will provide one with a better awareness of the problems and consequences that result from stimulant drug abuse and addiction, especially cocaine and methamphetamine. Participants will also be able to identify the unique pharmacology of “Ice” = dextro-isomer methamphetamine as well as the major toxic symptoms that result from its abuse. Current treatment approaches for this addiction will also be reviewed and discussed. At the completion of this presentation, a participant will be able to: I. Identify at least 3 current street names for dextro-isomer methamphetamine and cocaine II. Name 4 major toxic reactions that occur as a result of methamphetamine and cocaine abuse III. Recognize at least 4 major intrauterine and developmental risk concerns regarding the abuse of methamphetamine during pregnancy IV. List 4 major toxic and withdrawal processes of methamphetamine and cocaine abuse V. Discuss the phases of stimulant use disorder treatment and some current treatment approaches Current Trends in Stimulant Use Disorders: Pharmacology & Treatment

Darryl S. Inaba, PharmD. Director of Clinical and Behavioral Health Services, Addictions Recovery Center Approved for 1-hour Renewal Credit/ CEU for: IC&RC/NJ-AP Certification Board | NAADAC | DOE | NASW-NJ [Clinical credit]

This edition incorporates the most current and comprehensive information on the physiology, neurochemistry and sociology of drugs into one of the best test/reference books on the subject. Dr. Inaba is the author of several publications and award winning educational videos on all aspects of substance abuse work. He and Mr. William Cohen co-authored "Uppers, Downer, All Arounders" that is used as the principal text on substance use disorders in over 400 U.S. universities and has been translated in over 6 foreign languages Uppers, Downers, All-Arounders



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